Tropidoclonion lineatum
Lined Snake

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Other Names: Lined Garter Snake
Subspecies: Northern Lined Snake Tropidoclonion lineatum lineatum
Description: Similar looking to a garter snake. Adults 8"-22". The lined snake middorsal and side stripes well defined and bordered by dark spots set in a dark or light olive-gray or light brown ground color. Middorsal stripe whitish, pale gray, yellow or orange. Belly white or yellowish marked with two rows of black spots along midline. Scales keeled.
Similar Species: Garter and ribbon snakes have heads that are wider than their necks, a divided anal plate, more than 49 subcaudals, more than six upper labials and any ventral markings that might be present are not as clearly defined. Other lined New Mexico snakes have smooth scales.
Venom: None
Habitat: Found in prairies open woods, flood plains, vacant lots, city refuse pits, dumps and parks.
Behavior: A secretive snake. Excellent burrower. Hides under objects during the day. Crepuscular, emerges at dust to forage for food. Activity stimulated by wet weather.
Hibernation: Underground during the cool months
Reproduction: Live bearing has 2-17 young in August and September.
Diet: Feeds on earthworms, frogs, toads, tadpoles, fish, salamanders.
Authored by: Garth Teitjen